Many of us have tasted the taste and smell of food, and have also been victims of bacterial infections. The effects of such bacteria and viruses are devastating.Simone - star of red wine.This is not a new problem, it was felt since the beginning of time. The taste buds of our body are not designed to accept excessive amounts of sugar and other additives, which, by the way, are quite available in natural products. This article will tell you about the 7 most deadly bacteria and viruses that consume our food. What are they?Enterobacteria.This is not a new one, it was felt by the ancient Egyptians and is still felt by many today. The main cause of this unpleasant smell is the harmful microorganisms that grow in the gut microflora. It is believed that these are intestinal parasites. They colonize, pass down to the bloodstream, and cause many diseases. This is not surprising, because this is a common cause for bloating and flatulence.What is intestinal or stomach flu?Streptococci.This is not a bacteria, but a virus. The cause of flatulence and bloating is the toxins produced by the decomposition of food. the digestive process.Streptococci accumulate in the large intestine, multiply and cause quite severe conditions. conditions, such as perforation of the lungs, gastrointestinal problems and even cancer.What is fermented food?Streptococci cause intestinal infections in the third stage of the development of the disease. They are divided into: S and T components.The first group of proteins are harmless, the second, if it is over 60 years, then it is serious. These viruses cause anemia and cause severe gastrointestinal disorders, as well as irritable bowel syndrome.They are very aggressive bacteria.In the first stage of the development of the disease, they are hostile. To keep the body's immune system up-to-date, it is necessary to engage in intensive anti-staphylococcal therapy. Unfortunately, most people do not take such precautions. If you have throat diseases, then you need to contact a specialist to deal with such infections. What is the most common cause of flatulence?Streptococcus aureus.This bacterium lives in the lower part of the colon and causes quite a lot of infections. It is also believed that it develops in the vagina. Complications can occur in pregnancy.Streptococcus aureus is very common anca of the cavity bacteria. It is very persistent. Up to 40% of the urine is coliform.Colitis.This is a disease caused by bacteria that accumulate in the peritoneal space. It is manifested by chronic flatulence and abdominal pain. Colitis is very serious. You need to consult a doctor for an accurate examination and treatment. What is the danger of bloating?Strept